Tesis Doctorales

01/06/18 - Consequences of dietary supplementation with n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on reproductive, endocrine and metabolic parameters of rabbit does and on carcass quality of growing rabbits
María Rodríguez Francisco. Dirigida por la Dra. Pilar García Rebollar (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) Los ácidos grasos poliinsaturados n-3 (por sus siglas en inglés PUFA (polyunsaturated fatty acids)) juegan un papel decisivo en el desarrollo del cerebro y de los sistemas nervioso, inmune y reproductivo de los animales. Estos ácidos grasos (AG) esenciales tienen particular importancia en animales de alta producción, donde sus grandes demandas energéticas podrían no estar cubiertas por una alimentación “básica”, y en consecuencia, necesiten una suplementación directa a través del pienso. A nivel reproductivo, los PUFA pueden ser precursores de distintas hormonas (esteroides y prostaglandinas) que regulan la actividad ovárica, la implantación del embrión o el momento del parto entre otros procesos fisiológicos. Además, el consumo de PUFA puede alterar el perfil lipidémico cambiando la expresión de genes que regulan el metabolismo y aumentan la peroxidación. Su consumo permite obtene

31/03/17 - Potenciación de la respuesta productiva en rumiantes mediante el empleo de proteínas protegidas
Fernando Díaz Royon. Tesis doctoral dirigida por Javier Gonzalez Cano.

31/03/17 - Effect of dietary polyphenol-rich grape by-products on growth performance, some physiological parameters, meat and meat products quality in chickens
Maria Nardoia. Dirigida por los Dres. Donato Casamassima, Agustin Brenes Payà y Claudia Ruiz Capillas

31/03/17 - Influence of the inclusion of co-products of the soy oil industry in poultry diets on nutrient digestibility, growth performance, and production
Husham Abdulsattar Dawood. Dirigida por los Drs. David Menoyo y Gonzalo González Mateos

13/02/17 - Efecto de distintas estrategias de alimentación en el contenido de grasa intramuscular, la estructura de los triglicéridos y las propiedades reológicas de la grasa en el cerdo
Jose Francisco Segura Plaza 2015. Dirigida por Clemente José López Bote y Mª Isabel Cambero Rodríguez

14/01/16 - Efecto de la introducción de genética duroc y de la restricción de vitamina a en la dieta sobre parámetros productivos, expresión génica y calidad de la carne en el cerdo ibérico
Miriam Ayuso Hernando, 2015. Dirigida por Dña. Cristina Óvilo Martín, Dña. Beatriz Isabel Redondo y Dña. Ana Isabel Rey Muñoz

13/01/16 - Identification of the method to quantify soluble fibre and the effect of the source of fibre on the ileal and faecal digestibility of soluble and insoluble fibre in rabbits
Rodrigo Medardo Abad Guamán, 2015. Dirigida por Dña. Rosa Carabaño Luego y D. Javier García Alonso

22/12/15 - Ammonia and methane gas emissions from pig slurry: variability induced through feeding strategies
Amanda Fernandes Beccaccia, 2015. Dirigida por D. Juan Carlos de Blas Beorlegui y Dña. Paloma García Rebollar.

01/06/18 - Dietary resveratrol impairs body weight gain due to reduction of feed intake without affecting fatty acid composition in Atlantic salmon
D. Menoyo, G. Kühn, N. Ruiz-Lopez, K. Pallauf, I. Stubhaug, J. J. Pastor, I. R. Ipharraguerre and G. Rimbach Recent studies suggest that the use of vegetable oils at expense of fish oil in aquaculture feeds might have potential negative effects on fish redox homeostasis and adiposity. Resveratrol (RESV) is a lipid-soluble phytoalexin present in fruits and vegetables with proven in vivo antioxidant function in animals. The present study aims to assess the potential use of RESV in Atlantic salmon feeds. To this end, post-smolt salmons with an initial BW of 148 ± 3 g were fed four experimental diets for 15 weeks. A diet low in fish oil served as a control and was supplemented with 0, 0.5, 1.5 and 2.5 g/kg of RESV, respectively. The effect of the experimental diets on animal performance, tissue fatty acid composition, and the expression of genes encoding proteins involved in antioxidant signalling, lipid peroxidation, and metabolism were studied. Resveratrol significantly reduced feed int

01/06/18 - Effect of diets low in fish oil and supplemented with chlorogenic acid on fatty acid composition and lipid metabolism in Altantic salmon (Salmo salar L,)
This study aimed to test the use of chlorogenic acid (CGA), a natural antioxidant, which might act improving the retention of eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) fatty acids. Fish were fed one of three experimental diets. A diet with 160 g kg 1 fish oil (FO) and 80 g kg 1 vegetable oil (VO) was used as a positive control with high n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC)-PUFA, a diet containing 40 g kg1 FO and 200 g kg VO was used as a negative control for low n-3 LC-PUFA and 1 g kg CGA was added to the negative control diet to test the impact of CGA on n-3 LC-PUFA synthesis. The expression of genes involved in PUFA synthesis was upregulated in the liver of fish fed the low n-3 LC-PUFA diets. This might be due to the activation of sterol regulatory element-binding transcription factor (SREBP1) and liver X receptor. Moreover, malondialdehyde concentration tended to decrease, and accumulation of dietary EPA in the liver in relation to diet was observed in fish fed th

01/06/18 - Effect of level of soluble fiber and n-6/n-3 fatty acid ratio on performance of rabbit does and their litters1
R. Delgado, R. Abad-Guamán, N. Nicodemus, M.J. Villamide, N. Ruiz, R. Carabaño, D. Menoyo, and J. García2 The aim of this work was to study whether the dietary supplementation with soluble fiber (SF) and the reduction of the n-6/n-3 fatty acid ratio or the combination of both influence the survival, body and milk composition, and reproductive performance of rabbit does during the first four parturitions. Four diets in a 2×2 factorial arrangement were used with two levels of SF (7.8 vs. 13.0, on DM basis; HSF and LSF) and two different n-6/n-3 fatty acid ratio (13.4/1 vs. 3.5/1). Nulliparous does (24/diet) were inseminated 11 d after parturition. Body chemical composition and energy content of rabbit does and their performance, litter growth and milk production were measured between birth and weaning (25 d) along four parturitions, and milk composition and fecal digestibility were also recorded. The proportion of total removed does decreased in HSF respect to LSF groups (22.9 vs. 50.0%

01/06/18 - The effect of cellobiose on the health status of growing rabbits depends on the dietary level of soluble fiber
C. Ocasio-Vega, R. Delgado, R. Abad-Guamán , R. Carabaño, M.D. Carro, D. Menoyo, and J. García The aim of this study was to examine whether the combination of dietary soluble fiber and cellobiose exert a synergistic effect on growth performance, health status, fermentation traits, and immune response in rabbits. Six treatments in a 3 x 2 factorial arrangement were used: 3 cellobiose concentrations in drinking water (0.0, 7.5, and 15.0 g/L) × 2 dietary levels of soluble fiber (84.0 and 130 g/kg DM, for the low soluble fiber (LSF) and high soluble fiber (HSF) diets, respectively). A total of 318 young rabbits (53/treatment) were weaned at 34 d of age and had ad libitum access to feed and water. At 46 d of age 9 rabbits/treatment were slaughtered and ileal and cecal digesta were collected to analyze VFA profile and the immune response in the cecal appendix mucosa. At 48 d of age the cellobiose supplementation was withdrawn and the experimental diets were replaced by a standard commercial

01/06/18 - Implications of domestic food practices for the presence of bioactive components in meats with special reference to meat-based functional foods
Francisco Jiménez-Colmenero, Susana Cofrades, Ana M. Herrero & Claudia Ruiz-Capillas Although an essential component of the diet, the consumption of meat is in question. Meat is a major source of beneficial compounds but it also contains other substances with negative health implications. Functional foods, which are leading trends in the food industry, constitute an excellent opportunity for the meat sector to improve healthier meat options. Most studies on meat-based functional foods have focused mainly on the application of different strategies (animal production practices and meat transformation systems) to improve (increase/reduce) the presence of bioactive (healthy/unhealthy) compounds; these have led to the development of numerous products, many of them by the meat industry. However, like other foods, after purchase meats undergo certain processes before they are consumed, and these affect their composition. Although domestic handling practices can significantly alter the make-up

01/06/18 - Antimicrobial and antioxidant effects of combined high pressure processing and sage in beef burgers during prolonged chilled storage
L. Mizia,b, S. Cofradesa, R. Bouc, T. Pintadoa, M.E. López-Caballeroa, F. Zaidib, F. Jiménez-Colmeneroa The combined effect of sage (0.3 and 0.6%) and high pressure processing (HPP) [300 MPa (10 min, 9.9 °C) and 600 MPa (10 min, 10.2 °C)] on the antimicrobial and antioxidant characteristics of beef burgers during prolonged chilled storage (60 days) was analysed. Sage powder showed antioxidant and antimicrobial activities, but the addition of sage powder to burgers had no apparent effect on antimicrobial activity; however, antioxidant activity was detected as measured by TBARS, hexanal and photochemiluminescence (PCL). In general, lipid oxidation increased in all samples during storage. HPP at 600 MPa had no effect on lipid oxidation but caused mesophilic and psychrotrophic counts to remain close to the detection limit for at least 6 days. Significant correlations were found between lipid oxidation measured by TBARS and PCL and between TBARS with hexanal over the storage period. Sage ha

01/06/18 - Chia and oat emulsion gels as new animal fat replacers and healthy bioactive sources in fresh sausage formulation
T. Pintado, A.M. Herrero, F. Jiménez-Colmenero, C. Pasqualin Cavalheiro, C. Ruiz-Capillas

01/06/18 - Effect of polyphenols dietary grape by‑products on chicken patties
Maria Nardoia, · Claudia Ruiz‑Capillas · Donato Casamassima, Ana M. Herrero · Tatiana Pintado · Francisco Jiménez‑Colmenero ·Susana Chamorro · Agustín Brenes An experiment was conducted to study the dietary effect that the inclusion (40 g kg−1) of grape seed (GS), grape skin (SS), grape pomace (GP), and (0.2 g kg−1) of vitamin E (E) had on the composition and microbiological quality of chicken breast meat and on the physico-chemical parameters (TBARS, pH, color, Kramer shear force), sensorial characteristics, and microbiological quality of chicken breast meat patties during chilled storage (0, 3, 6, and 9 days) at 2 °C. In general, proximate composition and microbial counts of the raw chicken breast meat and the patties were not affected. Lower TBARS values were detected in patties formulated with breast meat obtained from birds fed E, SS, and GP diets. No clear effect was observed on the color or textural characteristics of the different patties. The addition of SS and GP in chicken

01/06/18 - Elucidation of lipid structural characteristics of chia oil emulsion gels by Raman spectroscopy and their relationship with technological properties
A.M. Herrero a,, C. Ruiz-Capillas, T. Pintado, P. Carmona , F. Jimenez-Colmenero Emulsion gels (EGs) offer interesting possibilities for structuring edible oils and obtaining ingredients with solid-like mechanical characteristics and depending on the ingredients used with healthier properties. In that context, the aim of this study was to develop EGs with chia oil, alginate (as cold gelling agent) and different plant derivatives (oat bran, soy protein isolate and chia flour) with both health benefits and appropriate properties for use for example as animal fat replacers in reduced-fat meat products. To that end, technological properties (pH, colour, texture, etc.) and lipid structure, determined by Raman spectroscopy, were investigated in various chia oil emulsion gels (EGs) prepared with chia oil, alginate and soy protein isolate (SEG), oat bran (OEG) or chia flour (CEG). No noticeable release of exudates was observed in chia oil EGs after processing. pH, colour and textural behaviou

01/06/18 - Maternal undernutrition and offspring sex determine birth-weight, postnatal development and meat characteristics in traditional swine breeds
M. Vázquez-Gómez, C. García-Contreras, L. Torres-Rovira, S. Astiz, C. Óvilo, A. González-Bulnes and B. Isabel1* Background: The aim of this study was to determine how maternal undernutrition during pregnancy and offspring birth-weight can affect the postnatal development of offspring under farm conditions, which may lead to consequences in its meat and carcass quality. The current study involved a total of 80 litters from Iberian sows fed a diet fulfilling daily requirements (n = 47; control) or providing 70% daily requirements (n = 33; underfed) from d 38 to d 90 of gestation when fetal tissue development begins. After birth, piglets born live were classified as low birthweight (LBW; < 1="" kg)="" and="" normal="" birth-weight="" (nbw;="" ≥1="" kg).="" during="" the="" growing="" phase,="" 240="" control="" and="" 230="" underfed="" pigs="" (50%="" males="" and="" females)="" distributed="" by="" bw="" category="" and="" sex="" were="" studied="" until="" the="" slaughter.="" results:="" at="" birth="" and="" weaning,="" there="" were="" significant="" differences="" in="" all="" morphological="" measures="" and="" weight="">

01/06/18 - Effect of cellobiose supplementation and dietary soluble fibre content on in vitro caecal fermentation of carbohydrate-rich substrates in rabbits
César Ocasio-Vega, Rodrigo Abad-Guamán, Rebeca Delgado, Rosa Carabaño, María Dolores Carro & Javier García The in vitro caecal fermentation of five substrates low in starch and protein content [D-(+)-glucose (GLU), D-cellobiose (CEL), sugar beet pectin (PEC), sugar beet pulp (SBP) and wheat straw (WS)] was investigated using soft faeces from rabbits receiving different levels of cellobiose and soluble fibre as inoculum. A total of 24 rabbits were supplemented 3 levels of cellobiose in the drinking water (0.0, 7.5, 15.0 g/l) and fed two experimental diets containing either low soluble fibre (LSF) or high soluble fibre (HSF) levels (84.0 and 130 g/kg dry matter). All substrates were subjected to a two-step pepsin/pancreatin in vitro pre-digestion, and the whole residuewas used as substrate for the in vitro incubations. Gas production wasmeasured until 144 h, and volatile fatty acid (VFA) production was determined at 24 h incubation. Experimental treatments did not affect SBP fermentation

01/06/18 - BREEDING AND GENETICS SYMPOSIUM: Breeding for resilience to heat stress effects in dairy ruminants. A comprehensive review
M. J. Carabaño, M. Ramón, C. Díaz, A. Molina, M. D. Pérez-Guzmán, and J. M. Serradilla Selection for heat tolerant (HT) animals in dairy production has been so far linked to estimation of declines in production using milk recording and meteorological information on the day of control using reaction norms. Results from these models show that there is a reasonable amount of genetic variability in the individual response to high heat loads, which makes feasible selection of HT animals at low costs. However, the antagonistic relationship between level of production and response to heat stress (HS) implies that selection for HT animals under this approach must be done with caution so that productivity is not damaged. Decomposition of the genetic variability in principal components (PC) can provide selection criteria independent of milk production level although biological interpretation of PC is difficult. Moreover, given that response to heat stress for each animal is estimated with very s

01/06/18 - Meat quality, free fatty acid concentration, and oxidative stability of pork from animals fed diets containing different sources of selenium
Luis Calvo, Jose Segura, Fidel Toldra, Moonica Flores, Ana Rodrıiguez, Clemente J Lopez-Bote and Ana I Rey This study evaluates the effect of the source of dietary selenium supplementation (organic versus mineral) and the combined effect of organic selenium and vitamin E on the fatty acid composition and lipolysis in pork intramuscular fat and other meat quality characteristics such as drip loss and lipid stability. Higher vitamin E deposition, lower drip loss, and higher stability against oxidation were detected in muscle from pigs fed organic selenium. Also higher proportion of free fatty acids was observed in intramuscular fat from pigs fed organic selenium than those fed inorganic selenium, being these mainly coming from neutral lipid fraction. In addition, the inclusion of vitamin E in the diet enhanced such effect. Dietary organic selenium also increased 9-desaturase and elongase indexes and C18:1n9 concentration. A related decrease of C18:0 concentration was also observed. Des

01/06/18 - Influence of malic acid-heat treatment for protecting sunflower protein against ruminal degradation on in vitro methane production: A comparison with the use of malic acid as an additive
J.L. Vanegas, J. González, M.R. Alvir, M.D. Carro Batch cultures of rumen microorganisms were used to compare the fermentation of sunflower seed (SS) and meal (SM) treated with malic acid and heat (MAH; 150 °C for 1 h) to protect the protein from ruminal degradation with that of the untreated samples supplemented the same amount of malate (as additive), either as free acid (MA) or disodium malate (DSM). As previous studies have shown the influence of donors’ diet on in vitro fermentation, cultures were inoculated with ruminal fluid from four sheep fed a medium-concentrate diet (MC; 50:50 hay:concentrate) or a high-concentrate diet (HC; 15:85 barley straw:concentrate) in a cross-over experimental design. Cultures were sampled at 6 and 16.5 h of fermentation. In 16.5 h incubations, MAH treatment reduced (P < 0.001)="" ch4="" production="" and="" ammonia-n="" concentrations="" for="" both="" substrates="" (by="" 60.3="" and="" 45.3%="" for="" ss="" and="" by="" 23.7="" and="" 17.2%="" for="" sm="" substrate,="" respectively).="" whereas="" the="" mah="" treatment="">

OCASIO-VEGA C., ABAD-GUAMÁN R., DELGADO R., CARABAÑO R., CARRO M.D., GARCÍA J. The influence of substrate pre-digestion and donors’ diet on in vitro caecal fermentation of different substrates in rabbits was investigated. Eight crossbreed rabbits were fed 2 experimental diets containing either low (LSF; 84.0 g/kg dry matter [DM]) or high soluble fibre (HSF; 130 g/kg DM) levels. In vitro incubations were conducted using batch cultures with soft faeces as inoculum and four fibrous or fibre-derived, low-starch and low-protein substrates: D-cellobiose (CEL), sugar beet pectin (PEC), sugar beet pulp (SBP) and wheat straw (WS). Substrates in half of the cultures were subjected to a 2-step pepsin/pancreatin in vitro digestion without filtration, and the whole residue (soluble, insoluble and added enzymes) was incubated at 39°C. Gas production was measured until 144 h, and volatile fatty acid (VFA) production at 24 h incubation was determined. Cultures without substrate (blanks) were included

01/06/18 - Effect of Added Grape Seed and Skin on Chicken Thigh Patties during Chilled Storage
Maria Nardoia, Claudia Ruiz-Capillas, Ana M. Herrero, Francisco Jiménez-Colmenero, Susana Chamorro, Agustín Brenes The effect of 2% grape seed and 2% grape skin powder added to chicken thigh patties stored at 4°C was assessed by measuring lipid oxidation, total phenolic content, pH, color changes and sensory attributes. The addition of these grape by-products to the patties lowered pH values and significantly reduced in lightness, redness and yellowness compared with the control. However, the addition of grape seed and skin significantly improved the oxidative stability of raw chicken patties due to higher total phenolic content, grape seed being more effective than skin in this regard. The phenolic content of these samples remained stable even after cooking. The acceptability of the chicken meat in general was not affected by the addition of grape by-products. These results show that grape seed and grape skin could potentially be used as natural antioxidants in raw chicken patties an

01/06/18 - Effect of dietary selenium source (organic vs. mineral) and muscle pH on meat quality characteristics of pigs
Luis Calvo, Fidel Toldrá, Ana I. Rodríguez, Clemente López-Bote & Ana I. Rey This study evaluates the effect of organic (Se-enriched yeast; SeY) versus inorganic selenium (sodium selenite; SeS) supplementation and the different response of selenium source according to muscle pH on pork meat quality characteristics. Pigs (n = 30) were fed the Se-supplemented diets (0.3 mg/kg) for 65 days. Neither electric conductivity (EC) nor drip loss were affected by the selenium source. The SeY group had lower TBARS in muscle samples after day 7 of refrigerated storage and higher a* values on days 1 and 7 than the SeS group. The effect of dietary selenium source on some meat quality characteristics was affected by muscle pH. Hence, as the muscle pH increases, the drip loss decreases but this effect is more marked with the dietary organic Se enrichment. Muscle pH seems to modulate the action of selenium in pork, especially some meat characteristics such as drip loss.

01/06/18 - Uso de proteína de girasol (semilla y harina) protegida en cebo de corderos
Haro, AN.1, Hernandez, E.\ Anover, I.2, de la Fuente, J.2, Gonzalez, J.1 y Carro, M.D.1 Los animales rumiantes tienen una baja eficiencia de utilizacion del nitrogeno (N), lo provoca a una elevada excrecion de N al medio ambiente. Esta ineficiencia es parcialmente debida a perdidas de amoniaco a nivel ruminal, por lo que trasladar el lugar de la digestion de la proteina del rumen al intestino delgado reduciria la contamination y mejoraria la eficiencia nitrogenada. Para ello es necesario proteger la proteina frente a la degradacion ruminal, siendo los acidos y el calor los tratamientos mas utilizados. La proteina del girasol se caracteriza por su alta velocidad de degradacion, por lo que al aplicar ambos tratamientos se puede actuar sinergicamente, reduciendo el coste del tratamiento termico, las reacciones de Maillard y el impacto negativo del acido sobre la actividad microbiana y el ambiente ruminal (Gonzalez et al., 1999) En un trabajo previo se observe la eficacia del tratamiento

01/06/18 - Efecto de la suplementación con arginina y glutamina sobre la digestibilidad ileal y fecal de gazapos tras el destete
Delgado R., Abad R., Nicodemus N., Menoyo D., García J., Carabaño R.* Se estudió el efecto de la suplementación con arginina y glutamina así como su posible interacción sobre la digestibilidad ileal y fecal de los nutrientes en gazapos tras el destete. Para ello se formuló una dieta basal (C) y se fabricaron otros 3 piensos añadiendo un 0,4% de arginina (ARG), un 0,4% de glutamina (GLN) y una mezcla de un 0,4% de arginina y un 0,4% de glutamina (ARG+GLN) a la ración basal. Se observó una interacción ARG×GLN en la digestibilidad fecal de la EB y el N (P = 0,008 y P = 0,001 respectivamente). La suplementación con ARG o GLN mejoró la digestibilidad de estos componentes en comparación con el pienso control, si bien cuando el pienso estuvo suplementado con ambos aminoácidos ARG+GLN mostró valores intermedios entre el grupo control y los suplementados con ARG o GLN (P < 0,001).="" la="" digestibilidad="" fecal="" de="" la="" fnd="" fue="" superior="" en="" los="" piensos="" suplementados="" con="" gln="" (p="">< 0,001).="" los="" tratamientos="">

01/06/18 - Efecto de la suplementación con celobiosa en el agua de bebida y del nivel de fibra soluble del pienso sobre los parámetros de crecimiento en conejos en cebo
Ocasio-Vega C., Delgado R., Abad-Guamán R., De Diego-Cabero N., Carro D., Carabaño R., García J.* El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar el efecto que tiene suplementar el agua con dosis de celobiosa inferiores a 7,5 g/l, en gazapos alimentados con dos niveles de fibra soluble sobre los parámetros productivos en gazapos en crecimiento. Se utilizaron 3 niveles de celobiosa en agua: 0, 3,5 y 7,0 g/l NPC Cello-Oligo combinados con 2 niveles de fibra soluble en el pienso (BF: 8,2 vs. AF: 10,5% sobre MS). Se utilizaron 240 gazapos destetados a los 26 d de edad (40/tratamiento), parte de los cuáles se sacrificaron a los 39 d de edad (8/tratamiento), momento en el que se sustituyeron los piensos experimentales por un pienso común estándar. La celobiosa se retiró a los 42 d de edad. En el periodo de 26 a 39 d de edad, los gazapos alimentados con el mayor nivel de fibra soluble redujeron un 6,4% el consumo de pienso respecto aquéllos alimentados con el nivel bajo de fibra soluble (P = 0,002)
Otros resultados

22/12/15 - Efecto del tiempo de ayuno previo al sacrificio y del tiempo de conservación post-mortem sobre la calidad de la carne y la grasa de cerdo ibérico
Trabajo Fin de Máster Boning Quiu. Tutora: Ana Isabel Rey Muñoz

06/11/15 - Fermentación ruminal in vitro de subproductos de la industria oleícola y vinícola
Trabajo Fin de Máster Stephanie Chávez Arrese. Tutora: Mª Dolores Carro Travieso

19/06/15 - Efecto de las condiciones de explotación en granja sobre la incidencia de pododermatitis en pollos de carne
Trabajo Final de Master Ricardo Pérez Pardo. Tutores: Carlos de Blas Beorlegui y Miguel Ángel Ibáñez Ruiz